- A Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy Caused by Chronic Phenytoin Therapy
Dong-Chul Han, Hyeon-Mi Park, Dong-Jin Shin, Yeong-Bae Lee
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2006;4(2):128-130. Published online December 31, 2006
- Phenytoin has been used globally as an effective anticonvulsant. Among its adverse effects, peripheral neuropathy including polyneuropathy has sometimes been reported. We report a case of sensorimotor polyneuropathy associated with high serum level and long-term phenytoin therapy. A 29-year-old male presented with motor weakness in all extremities. He was treated with phenytoin (400 mg/day) for about eight years because of generalized tonic clonic seizure. During none conduction assessment, sensorimotor polyneuropathy was discovered.