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Jun-Ho Cho 3 Articles
Comparison between Emergency Patient Poisoning Cases and the Tox-Info System Database
Hyun-Jong Kim, Yang-Weon Kim, Hyun Kim, Chang-Bae Park, Byung-Hak So, Kyeong-Ryong Lee, Kyung-Woo Lee, Kyung-Won Lee, Sung-Woo Lee, Jang-Young Lee, Gyu-Chong Cho, Jun-Ho Cho, Sung-Phil Chung
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2012;10(1):8-14.   Published online June 30, 2012
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Purpose: The Tox-Info system is a poisonous substance information database developed by the Korean National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation. The aim of this study was to estimate the coverage effectiveness of the Tox-Info system by comparing the toxic substances included in the database with the distribution of the toxic substances implicated in the cases of intoxicated patients presenting to emergency departments. The secondary aim of the study was to propose any additional substances that should be added to the database. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients suffering with toxic exposure who had visited any of 12 selected emergency departments in Korea from January 2010 to December 2011. The identified toxic substances were classified into groups including prescription drugs, agricultural chemicals, household products, animals or plants, herbal drugs, and others. We calculated the coverage rate of the Tox-Info database relative to the number of intoxication cases and the type of toxic substances involved. Results: A total of 5,840 intoxicated patient records were collected. Their mean age was $46.6{pm}20.5$ years and 56.2% were female. Of the total intoxication cases, 87.8% of the identified toxic substances were included in the Tox-Info database, while only 41.6% of all of the types of identified toxic substances were included. Broken down by category, 122 prescription drugs, 15 agricultural chemicals, 12 household products, 14 animals or plants and 2 herbal drugs involved in poisoning cases were not included in the Tox-info database. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the clinical usefulness of the Tox-Info system. While 87.8% of the substances involved in the cases were included in the Tox-Info database, the database should be continuously updated in order to include even the most uncommon toxic substances.
A Lethal Case of Sodium Azide Ingestion
Yeoun-Woo Nam, Jung-Eon Kim, Jun-Ho Cho, Sung-Pil Chung, Hahn-Shick Lee, Eui-Chung Kim
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2008;6(1):49-51.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Sodium azide (NaN3) is a white to colorless, crystalline powder that is highly water soluble, tasteless, and odorless. It is used mainly as a preservative in aqueous laboratory reagents and biologic fluids and also as an automobile airbag gas generant. Although it has caused deaths for decades, the toxic properties and effects of sodium azide in humans remains unknown. A 31-year-old comatose female was transported to the emergency department with an empty bottle labeled sodium azide. She developed cardiac arrest 15 minutes after arrival and expired in spite of 30 minutes of resuscitative effort. Subsequently, resuscitation team members incidentally suffered from sodium azide's exposure and developed eye discomfort, skin rashes parasthesias, pruritus, sore throat, and headache.
Clinical Aspects of the Organochlorine Intoxicated Patients
Jun-Ho Cho, Bum-Jin Oh, Joo-Hyun Suh, Woon-Yong Kwon, Joon-Seok Park, Eun-Kyung Eo, Mi-Jin Lee, Sung-Woo Lee, Hyung-Keun Roh, In-Cheol Park
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2007;5(1):15-20.   Published online June 30, 2007
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Purpose: To analyze the general characteristics and clinical aspects of the organochlorine intoxicated patients in Korea. Methods: We prospectively evaluated the organochlorine intoxicated patients visiting to the 38 emergency medical centers in Korea from the 1, Aug. 2005 to the 31, Jul. 2006. Results: There were 38 patients intoxicated by the organochlorine during the study periods. The mean age of patients was 55.1 years old. The mean amount of the organochlorine intoxicated is 246.1 mL. The most frequent place where the patients got and took the organochlorine was their home. Twenty eight patients(73.7%) intended to suicide. Nine patients out of 38 patients(23.7%) were died and they all intended to suicide. Conclusion: There were 38 patients intoxicated by the organochlorine during the study periods. The suicidal attempts and the number of the dead were higher in Korea than the developed countries.

JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology