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Sung Kyu Kim 2 Articles
QTc Prolongation due to Psychotropic Drugs Intoxication and Its Risk Assessment
Kwan Ho Park, Hoon Pyo Hong, Jong Seok Lee, Ki Young Jeong, Seok Hun Ko, Sung Kyu Kim, Han Sung Choi
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2020;18(2):66-77.   Published online December 31, 2020
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Purpose: The aims of the present study were twofold. First, the research investigated the effect of an individual's risk factors and the prevalence of psychotropic drugs on QTc prolongation, TdP (torsades de pointes), and death. Second, the study compared the risk scoring systems (the Mayo Pro-QT risk score and the Tisadale risk score) on QTc prolongation. Methods: The medical records of intoxicated patients who visited the emergency department between March 2010 and February 2019 were reviewed retrospectively. Among 733 patients, the present study included 426 psychotropic drug-intoxicated patients. The patients were categorized according to the QTc value. The known risk factors of QTc prolongation were examined, and the Mayo Pro-QT risk score and the Tisadale risk score were calculated. The analysis was performed using multiple logistic regression, Spearman correlation, and ROC (receiver operating characteristic). Results: The numbers in the mild to moderate group (male: 470≤QTc<500 ms, female: 480≤QTc<500 ms) and severe group (QTc≥500 ms or increase of QTc at least 60ms from baseline, both sex) were 68 and 95, respectively. TdP did not occur, and the only cause of death was aspiration pneumonia. The statically significant risk factors were multidrug intoxications of TCA (tricyclic antidepressant), atypical antipsychotics, an atypical antidepressant, panic disorder, and hypokalemia. The Tisadale risk score was larger than the Mayo Pro-QT risk score. Conclusion: Multiple psychotropic drugs intoxication (TCA, an atypical antidepressant, and atypical antipsychotics), panic disorder, and hypokalemia have been proven to be the main risk factors of QTc prolongation, which require enhanced attention. The present study showed that the Tisadale score had a stronger correlation and predictive accuracy for QTc prolongation than the Mayo Pro-QT score. As a result, the Tisadale risk score is a crucial assessment tool for psychotropic drug-intoxicated patients in a clinical setting.
A Case of Pulmonary Injuny Induced by Accidental Exposure to High Level of Nitrogen Dioxide ($NO_2$)
Jin Hyuck Chang, Do Youn Kim, Young Kim, Yoon Soo Chang, Hyung Jung Kim, Chul Min Ahn, Sung Kyu Kim, Tae Hoon Kim
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2005;3(1):40-44.   Published online June 30, 2005
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Nitrogen dioxide ($NO_2$), which produced during the process of silage, metal etching, explosives, rocket fuels, welding, and by-product of burning of fossil fuels, is one of major components of air pollutant. Accidental exposure of high level of $NO_2$ produces cough, dyspnea, pulmonary edema which may be delayed $4~12$ hours and, in $2~6$weeks, bronchiolitis obliterans. We experienced a case of acute pulmonary injuny induced by industrial exposure to high level of $NO_2$ during repair of $NO_2$ pipeline in a refinery. A 55-year-old man experienced nausea and severe dyspnea in 6 hours after $NO_2$ inhalation. Initial blood gas examination revealed severe hypoxemia accompanying increased alveolar-arterial O2 difference. Radiological examination showed diffuse ground glass opacities in both lung fields. Clinical symptoms and laboratory findings, including radiological study and pulmonary function test were improved with conservative treatment using inhaled oxygen and bronchodilator. and there was no evidence of bronchial fibrosis and bronchiolitis obliterance in chest high resolution computed tomography performed 6 weeks after exposure. Here, we report a case of $NO_2$ induced acute pulmonary injuny with a brief review of the relevant literature.

JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology