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Yong Su Lim 2 Articles
Comparison of Epidemiology and Outcomes of Patients with Intentional Poisoning by Age Groups: Single Center Observation Study
Jin Hyun Kim, Jin Seong Cho, Jin Joo Kim, Yong Su Lim, Hyuk Jun Yang, Geun Lee
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2016;14(2):129-135.   Published online December 31, 2016
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  • 2 Citations
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Purpose: This study was conducted to compare demographic and characteristic differences in self-poisoned patients by age groups using a comprehensive trauma database. Methods: This study included 1,823 patients who were admitted to the emergency room following self-poisoning. Three age groups were defined: young patients (less than 19 years), adult patients (19 to 64 years) and elderly patients (65 years and old). From January 2011 to December 2015, data were obtained from in a single emergency medical center. We investigated the materials of poisoning, ingestion time, GCS, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, and outcomes of patients. Results: A total of 1,823 self-poisoned patients visited the hospital during 5 years. Among these, 130 (7.1%) were categorized as young, 1,460 (80.1%) were adults and 233 (12.8%) were elderly. The most common drug of self-poisoning substances was antipyretics (50.0%) for those in the young group, sedative drugs (45.0%) for adults, and pesticides (41.2%) for the elderly. Mortality was 2.7% in the adult group and 14.6% in the elderly group. After adjusting for all factors related to mortality, the odds ratio (OR) of mortality was 2.63 in the elderly group (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.44-4.81). Conclusion: There were definite differences in the characteristics of three groups. The younger patients used drugs that could be easily obtained while older patients used more lethal drugs.


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    Kyung-Eun Kim, Sun-Hee Moon, Chieun Song, Minjeong An
    Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing.2024; 17(2): 1.     CrossRef
  • Clinical features of adolescents with suicide attempt and the factors associated with their outcomes: poisoning versus non-poisoning
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    Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal.2020; 7(2): 85.     CrossRef
Comparison of Prescription Patterns and Clinical Features according to Clinical Departments in Sedative-hypnotic Intoxication
Do Min Kim, Won Bin Park, Yong Su Lim, Jin Joo Kim, Jae Ho Jang, Jee Yong Jang, Hyuk Jun Yang, Geun Lee
J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. 2014;12(2):54-62.   Published online December 31, 2014
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare prescription patterns and clinical features according to clinical departments in sedative-hypnotic intoxication. Methods: This was a retrospective study of histories, substances of poisoning, acquisition routes, clinical courses, and outcomes of patients treated for acute intoxication in a single emergency medical center from January, 2011 to December, 2013. Results: A total of 769 patients were treated for acute intoxication, 281 patients ingested sedative hypnotics during the study period. Among 281 patients, 155 patients were prescribed by psychiatric department and 80 patients were prescribed by non-psychiatric department. Benzodiazepines were more likely to be prescribed by psychiatrists, and zolpidem was preferred by non-psychiatrists (p<0.001). Non-psychiatrists were more likely to prescribe short acting benzodiazepines than psychiatrists (p<0.001). However, there was no statistically significant difference in the clinical outcomes, including prevalence of admission to ICU, ventilator care, and length of stay in ICU. In patients prescribed by non-psychiatrists, there were more patients prescribed without psychiatric diagnosis and diagnosed as major depression disorder after hospitalization. Conclusion: To promote rational prescribing of sedative hypnotics, proper psychiatric evaluation should be performed before prescribing, and educational programs including the contents of interactions and side effects of sedative hypnotics are needed.

JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology