Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and adverse effect of fomepizole in the management of acute ethylene glycol or methanol poisoning in children. Methods: Databases such as PubMed, Embase, Cochrane library, and KoreaMed were searched using terms related to fomepizole, ethylene glycol, methanol and pediatric. All studies, regardless of study design, reporting effectiveness or safety endpoints in children were included. Reference citations from identified publications were reviewed. Only reports written in English or Korean languages were included. The reference search was performed by two authors. Results: Twenty-two relevant literatures were finally included. They were one narrative review, 4 retrospective case series, and 17 case reports (19 cases). Case reports were classified as 5 fomepizole only, 8 fomepizole with other therapies, and 6 no fomepizole. All patients from the literatures were fully recovered without long term sequelae. Adverse effects of fomepizole were reported including anaphylaxis, thrombophlebitis and nystagmus. Conclusion: There are insufficient literatures regarding fomepizole treatment in children with ethylene glycol or methanol poisoning. The benefits or harms are not clearly established based on the clinical evidences. More prospective comparative studies are required in the future.
Colchicine is a drug that has long been used to treat a variety of illnesses; however, it reportedly has adverse effects at apparent toxic doses as well as at lower and therapeutically recommended doses. The typical therapeutic dose of colchicine is up to 2.4 mg daily, although it is sometimes as high as 8-10 mg daily. Here, we describe a case in which the patient showed sudden deterioration and died because of unintentional colchicine poisoning with a relatively small dose. When a colchicine poisoned patient visits the hospital, the physician should identify the patient's colchicine poisoning dose and concomitant drugs. Moreover, the patients should be monitored intensively for 24 to 72 hours and managed with various supportive treatment methods early and actively.
Purpose: The use of flumazenil administration in the emergency department is still controversial because of concerns about adverse effects. The present study was conducted to re-evaluate the risk-benefit ratio associated with flumazenil administration to patients suspected of having acute hypnotics and sedatives poisoning in the emergency department. Methods: A retrospective chart review study was conducted for patients whose final diagnoses were "poisoning" and "benzodiazepine" or "sedatives-hypnotics" from Mar. 2006 to Feb. 2015. The basal characteristics of the patients, including past medical history, ingredients and dose of ingested drug and co-ingested drugs were investigated. For patients administered flumazenil, responsiveness and time from admission to flumazenil administration were investigated with supplement. All collected data were analyzed in aspect terms of risk/benefit. Results: A total of 678 patients were included in our study. Benzodiazepine was the most common sedative/hypnotic drug prescribed, and the frequency of prescription continuously increased. The proportion of TCA as co-ingestion decreased from 13.1% to 3.9% in patients with acute sedative/hypnotic poisoning. Flumazenil was administered to 55 patients (8.1%), of which 29 patients (52.7%) were applied to contraindications. Fifty-three patients (96.4%) showed positive responsiveness, including partial responsiveness after flumazenil administration. No severe adverse events were identified. Conclusion: Based on the current trends in prescription patterns for sedative/hypnotic drugs, increased use of non-TCA antidepressants, and responsiveness to administration of flumazenil, benefit seemed weighted more in this study, although the observed benefits were based on limited results. Further prospective multicenter studies will be needed to optimize benefit-risk ratio.
Purpose: Beta blocker (BB) has been prescribed for anxiety and panic disorder. Patients intoxicated by psychiatric drugs have often been exposed to BB. Moreover, BB overdose has adverse effects including cardiovascular effects, which can be life-threatening. This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of BB intoxication with psychiatric drugs and the adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. Methods: A single center, retrospective study was performed from January 2010 to December 2015. A total of 4,192 patients visited the emergency department (ED) with intoxication, and 69 with BB intoxication were enrolled. Results: Overall, 64 patients (92.8%) of enrolled patients were intoxicated with drugs prescribed for the purpose of psychiatric disorders. Propranolol was the most common BB (62 cases, 96.2%), and the median dose was 140.0 mg (25%-75% 80.0-260.0). Twenty-four patients (37.5%) had experienced cardiovascular events, and these patients tended to have decreased mentality, hypotension and coingestion with quetiapine. An initial mean arterial pressure (MAP) below 65 mmHg (odds ratio 10.069, 95% confidence interval 1.572-64.481, p=0.015) was identified as a factor of cardiovascular event upon multiple logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: Initial MAP below 65 mmHg was a factor of cardiovascular adverse effect in patients of BB intoxication with psychiatric drugs.
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Poisoning patients’ clinical features according to the blood level of propranolol Sungheon Kim, Byung Hak So, Hyung Min Kim, Kyeong Man Cha, Hwan Song, Won Jung Jeong Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology.2023; 21(1): 56. CrossRef
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the evidence comparing the efficacy and safety between L-carnitine and extracorporeal elimination therapy in the management of acute valproic acid L-carnitine vs Extracorporeal Elimination for Acute Valproic acid Intoxication Methods: PubMed, Embase, Cochrane library, Web of Science, KoreaMed, KMbase, and KISS were searched, using the terms carnitine and valproic acid. All studies, regardless of design, reporting efficacy or safety endpoints were included. Reference citations from identified publications were reviewed. Both English and Korean languages were included. Two authors extracted primary data elements including poisoning severity, presenting features, clinical management, and outcomes. Results: Thirty two articles including 33 cases were identified. Poisoning severity was classified as 3 mild, 11 moderate, and 19 severe cases. Nine cases were treated with L-carnitine while 24 cases received extracorporeal therapy without L-carnitine. All patients except one expired patient treated with hemodialysis recovered clinically and no adverse effects were noted. A case report comparing two patients who ingested the same amount of valproic acid showed increased ICU stay (3 vs 11 days) in case of delayed extracorporeal therapy. Conclusion: Published evidence comparing L-carnitine with extracorporeal therapy is limited. Based on the available evidence, it is reasonable to consider L-carnitine for patients with acute valproic acid overdose. In case of severe poisoning, extracorporeal therapy would also be considered in the early phase of treatment.
The imidazopyridine, zolpidem, a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic drug, is widely-prescribed for insomnia. It is regarded as a good alternative to benzodiazepine because of the reduced possibility for abuse and development of dependence. However, more recently, due to the reduced possibility for abuse and development of dependence, it is regarded as a good alternative to benzodiazepine. adverse effects of zolpidem have been recognized. The objective of this report is to provide information on the potential for occurrence of benzodiazepine-like withdrawal seizure in patients who chronically take zolpidem continually. We present and discuss a case of seizure after sudden interruption of the protracted use of an abusively high dose of zolpidem. Zolpidem may not be the ideal drug for longterm pharmacotherapeutic management of insomnia. Clinicians should administer zolpidem at a low-dose for a short period of time for prevention of drug abuse and dependence and the potential for occurrence of benzodiazepine- like withdrawal seizure.
Gastric lavage is one of gastrointestinal decontamination methods which have been controversial in the clinical toxicology field for a long time. Expert groups of American and European clinical toxicologists have published the position papers regarding gastric lavage three times since 1997. They recommended that gastric lavage should not be used as a routine procedure in the management of acute intoxication, because they thought that there is no certain evidence of improving clinical outcome by its use. However, the studies they reviewed were not well-controlled randomized trials, which cannot be conducted in the clinical toxicology field due to variability of patients and ethical problems. Therefore, the results from these studies should be interpreted with caution. They also insisted that gastric lavage can be undertaken within 60 minutes of ingestion. The limitation of one hour after ingestion is too arbitrary and may cause a lot of misunderstanding. Formation of pharmacobezoar or gastric hypomotility after ingestion may significantly delay the gastric emptying time so that gastric lavage can be useful even after several hours or more in case of highly toxic substances or severe intoxication. Furthermore, as there are a number of serious intoxication by toxic pesticides with large amount in suicidal attempts in Korea, it seems that gastric lavage may be used more frequently in Korea than in Western countries. When deciding whether or not to use gastric lavage, all the indications, contraindications, and possible adverse effects should be taken into account on the basis of risk-benefit analysis. If the procedure is decided to be done, it should only be performed by well-trained experts.
Purpose: Drug-induced non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema has been reported on in a drug case series. For most of the agents that cause pulmonary edema, the pathogenic mechanisms that are responsible for the pulmonary edema remain unknown. We report here on the cases of suspected drug-induced pulmonary edema and we analyze the clinical characteristics. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 1,345 patients who had drug adverse effects and drug poisoning from January 2005 to July 2010, and 480 of these patients were admitted to the EM Department. Among them, 17 patients developed abnormal chest radiological findings and they were analyzed for any clinical characteristics, the initial symptoms, securing the airway and the clinical results. Results: Seventeen patients out of 480 (3.54%) developed drug-induced abnormal chest radiographic pulmonary edema; they displayed initial symptoms that included mental change (41.2%), dyspnea (17.6%), vomiting (11.8%), etc, and some displayed no symptoms at all (11.8%). Only 3 patients out of the 11 who died or had severe pulmonary edema were able to obtain an advanced airway prior to their arrival to the EM Department. Clinical recovery was generally rapid and this was mostly completed within 6 hours. The mortality rate was 11.8% (2 of 17 patients), and the causative drugs were found to be propofol (35.3%, 6 of 17 patients), multiple drugs (41.2% or 7 out of 17) and one patient each with ephedrine, ethylene glycol, doxylamine and an unknown drug, respectively. Conclusion: Drug-induced pulmonary edema and deaths are not uncommon, and recovery is typically rapid with few long-term sequelae when drug administration is discontinued. Oxygen therapy and securing the airway must be performed during transportation for patients with pulmonary edema.
Purpose: The living standards vary between the urban and rural areas in Korea. This study aims to compare the characteristics of acute poisoning victims in urban and rural areas. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted over a period of 2 years from 2008 to 2009. The study group included adults over 19 year old with acute poisoning and who were later were admitted to the local emergency medical center located in Daegu, Korea. The exclusion criteria were 1) the victims of adverse effects of therapeutic doses of drugs, 2) the victims with chronic exposure and 3) the victims who were missing data in their emergency medical records. We divided the victims into the adult group (19-64 years old) and the old group (over 65 years old). Results: There were 569 acute poisoning victims during the study period, and they constituted 1.11% of the total ED visits (51,199). Four hundred seventy six patients were enrolled in this study. Out of the 359 acute poisoning victims, 252 victims were from urban areas and 107 victims were from rural areas. They showed statistical differences for gender, ED access, transport, toxins and the time to the ED. In the old group, 61 victims out of 117 were from urban areas and the remaining 56 victims were from rural areas. They showed statistical differences for gender, ED access, toxins and transport. Conclusion: Through the clinical comparison between the acute poisoning victims of urban and rural areas, we exposed the clinical differences between the urban and rural areas, and we concluded that prevention and education for acute poisoning should be generated differently between the two groups.
Phenytoin has been used globally as an effective anticonvulsant. Among its adverse effects, peripheral neuropathy including polyneuropathy has sometimes been reported. We report a case of sensorimotor polyneuropathy associated with high serum level and long-term phenytoin therapy. A 29-year-old male presented with motor weakness in all extremities. He was treated with phenytoin (400 mg/day) for about eight years because of generalized tonic clonic seizure. During none conduction assessment, sensorimotor polyneuropathy was discovered.
Metronidazole is an antimicrobial drug widely used against various types of infectious agents, including protozoa, amoeba, Helicobacter pylori, and anaerobes. Metronidazole may produce some adverse effects on hematologic, immunologic, neurologic and other systems. We report a case of reversible metronidazole-induced encephalopathy. The toxic dose of metronidazole and the onset of encephalopathy were variable. Two patients showed abnormally high signal intensity in the bilateral dentate nucleus of cerebellum, and characteristic abnormalities were detected by brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and T2-weighted images, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images and/or diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Discontinuation of metronidazole resulted in the improvement of the neurologic symptoms over a period of two to three weeks. We followed up the brain MRI with DWI in one case following obvious clinical improvement, and the previously detected lesion had disappeared.
Symptoms of aspirin overdose may vary from acid-base disturbance, electrolyte abnormality, non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, chemical hepatitis, seizure to cardiac toxicity. Cardiac adverse effects from aspirin are uncommon but there are reports of arrhythmia, cardiopulmonary arrest, and myocardial infarction. We report 2 cases of young women with aspirin overdose who exhibited ischemic changes on their ECGs a few hours after the ingestion with spontaneous recovery in a few days. First case, a 29 year old woman, presented to the emergency department 6 hours after ingesting 250 tablets of aspirin (325 mg/T). On examination, the temperature was $36.3^{circ}C$: blood pressure, 105/72mmHg; Pulse, 111/min and respiratory rate, 24/min. Second case, a 27 year old woman, an hour after ingesting 60 tablets (325mg/T). On examination, the temperature was $36.0^{circ}C$: blood pressure, 102/72 mmHg; pulse, 89/min and respiratory rate, 25/min. In both cases, ECG after 6 hours of ingestion had sinus tachycardia and developed T wave inversion on the anterior leads in the following ECGs. Their initial serum salicylate levels after 6 hours of ingestion were 71.2 mg/dL and 28.4 mg/dL respectively. These salicylate levels were resolving when these ECGs were observed. The ECG changes resolved in the following days and they were discharged without any further symptoms. Further studies are needed, but for the time being, when dealing with salicylate overdose, transient cardiac depression should be kept in mind to avoid adverse ischemic cardiac events.