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HOME > J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol > Volume 4(2); 2006 > Article
A Case of Non-cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema caused by Nitrogen Dioxide Poisoning after Cutting Copper Pipe with an Oxyethylene Torch
Yang-Jin JeGal, Jong-Joon Ahn, Kwang-Won Seo, Hee-Jeong Cha, Woon-Jung Kwon, Yang-Ho Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2006;4(2):175-179
Published online: December 31, 2006
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1Departments of Internal Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital
2Departments of Internal Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital
3Departments of Internal Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital
4Departments of Pathology, Ulsan University Hospital
5Departments of Radiology, Ulsan University Hospital
6Departments of Occupational and Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital

Welders are exposed to a number of hazards including metal fumes, toxic gases, electricity, heat, noise, and radiation such as ultraviolet and infrared light. We encountered a patient who developed non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema within a day after cutting copper pipe with an oxyethylene torch. The patient was a 26-year-old welder. He complained of dyspnea, generalized myalgia, and febrile sensation the following morning. The patient's chest X-ray and chest CT scan showed extensively distributed and ill-defined centrilobular nodules. Both his symptoms and chest X-ray abnormalities improved spontaneously. We attributed the patient's symptoms to non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema due to nitrogen dioxide, reasoning that: 1) the pipe consisted only of copper, according to material safety data sheet (MSDS); 2) a previous report in the literature demonstrated increased nitrogen dioxide levels under similar conditions; 3) the patient's clinical course and radiologic findings were very reminiscent of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema following accidental exposure to nitrogen dioxide.

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JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology