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HOME > J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol > Volume 3(1); 2005 > Article
Analysis of Patients with Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in one Hospital
Kyung Hwan Kim, Ah Jin Kim, Dong Wun Shin, Jun Young Rho
Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2005;3(1):27-32
Published online: June 30, 2005
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1Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital
3Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital
4Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital

Purpose: The frequency of carbon monoxide poisoning has been decreased in the interior of the Korea. But occasionally it is occurred and the risk of exposure is high in working place so far. Because of the characteristics of gas, the detection of exposure and poisoning could be delayed and fatality is high. We should apprehend of carbon monoxide poisoning. So we would report analysis of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Methods: A retrospective review of CO poisoned patients visited emergency department from January 2000 to December 2004 was conducted. Results: 24 patients were enrolled. Their average of age was $37.6pm20.9$ years old and COHb was $19.4pm13.32\%$. The blood level of initial COHb and mental status on arrival were not correlated each other. The blood level of initial COHb and loss of consciousness were not correlated, too. Initial electrocardiography (EKG) was not correlated with cardiac enzymes such as CK-MB and troponin I. But base excess was correlated with mental status on arrival and complication such as rhabdomyolysis. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was correlated with base excess and mental status on arrival. Conclusion: The clinical features of carbon monoxide poisoning are nonspecific. For proper diagnosis, it is important that we should consider patient's environment and take patient's history carefully. The blood level of initial COHb does not reflect severity of poisoning accurately. So We should determine the treatment of choice depending on patient's status.

JKSCT : Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology